Tabular Reports

Detail reports are tabular reports that show detail statistics on a group of data. Detail reports show the customer data in a tabular form, you can track a few metrics and analyze them with a detail report.


How to create a Detail report?

Let us take the example of the Opportunity Module, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on the "Report icon" on the top right corner of the page.

  2. Click on Add Report and select Detail Report.


  • Report details

1. Enter the necessary details of the report. The field details are tabulated below:

Field Name Description
Report Name Provide a name for your report.
Report Folder To store your report select the existing folder from the drop-down.
Primary Module Select a module for which you want to create a report.
Select Related Module(MAX 2) Select a maximum of two related modules to add fields of those modules while creating a report.
Description Provide the description of the report.
Share Report You can Share the Report by selecting Users, Groups, Roles, Roles, and Subordinates from the drop-down to whom you want to view the report.
Schedule Report You can schedule reports on a daily, weekly, On a Specific Date, Monthly by Date, Yearly basis.


2. Click on the Next button.

  • Select Columns
  1. You can "Select Columns" for the module to be shown in your report.
  2. The selected fields can be "Group By" in ascending or descending order alphabetically to be displayed in the report.
  3. Select the "Calculation" on which currency and numeric you would like to perform by clicking on the checkbox.
  4. Click on the Next.


  • Filters
  1. All Conditions (All conditions must be met)- It displays the result "If and Only If" all conditions will be matched. If anyone of the condition is failed, other queries will not be executed.

  2. Any Coditions ( At least one of the conditions must be met)- It displays the result if at least one condition is matched, if any one of the queries is failed, other queries will be executed. 

     3.  Click on Save and Generate report.



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