Pivot View

Pivot view is a table matrix that includes rows and columns to get the values. A Pivot table allows you to summarize a large amount of data for easy review and visualization. You can change the tables into meaningful summaries by using the drag and drop option. With the Pivot table, you can easily assemble and filter the values just the way you want.

Let us take the example of the Opportunities Module. Suppose you want to view all the opportunities by users and also grouped by the Sales Stage. 

How to create a Pivot View?

To create a Pivot View follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to Main Menu >> Sales >> Opportunities Module.
  2. In the List View click on the "Pivot view table button" on the top of the page.

  3. It opens a new Pivot view tab >> All the fields will get listed which are present in the listview fields. You can move the fields in "Rows and Columns" by the drag and drop option.

  4. Click on the "Show field list" icon on the top right corner of the page, to view field list. It allows you to add or remove or arrange the rows, columns, values and filters. 

  5. (a) You can view all the All Fields accessible on the left-hand side.
    (b) You can drag and drop the "Sales Stage" in the Columns fields.
    (c) You can drag and drop the Assigned To field in the Rows.
    (d) Filter allows to filter the values in rows and column axis based on the collection of filter fields in pivot table. 

  6. To provide the "Values", you want to add the count of records obtained from the "id field" just by the drag and drop option >> Click on the "Summaries values by" >> Select "Count of id" from the drop-down.


  7. Click on the "Close button".

    8. You can view the total Pivot view.

    Grouping of Pivot view

    Grouping of Pivot view allows you to rearrange, group, and summarize a large set of data for easy analysis for users who view the pivot table.

    For example, If you want to rearrange the Engagement field first and then the sales stage.

    1. Click on the "Show field list" icon on the top right corner of the page. 
    2. On the "Field List" page >> Click on the "Lead Source" by drag and drop in the "Column Field".

    3. Click on the Close button.

    4. You can expand it by clicking on the arrow button, (eg: below Not Responding we have arrow button). Whereas you can view individual records grouped by the Sales Stage.
    So in this fashion, you can keep on adding additional values and group the data for easy analysis.

    Export Pivot view format/Downloading/Sharing option

    You can export your Pivot table in a different format which includes:

    a. PDF format.
    b. Excel format.
    c. CSV format.

    Follow the steps given below to export the Pivot table into Different formats:

    1. Click on the "Sharing button" on the top left corner of the page >> Select the export format from the drop-down.

    Note: When Pivot view is exported into PDF format. If there are multiple values in the Pivot table, it does not appear in a unique kind of order, it appears on different pages.

    How to view the Pivot table in a graph/visual format?

    1. Click on the Graph button >> Select the Graph from the drop-down example Column chart.

    2. You can notice each and individual bar with the relevant values.

    3. If you want to see only fewer Sales Stage examples like Qualification, Demonstration, Negotiation, Closed won, Closed lost.

    a.  Click on the Filter button

    b. In the Filter "Sales Stage" By popup, click on the checkbox to view the Sales Stage to appear in the bar graph and uncheck to remove the Sales Stage.

    c. Click on the OK button.

    4. To view more charts like Pie charts, Polar, Pyramid.

    a. Click on the "Charts and Report format button" on the top left corner of the page.
    b. Click on the "More button" from the drop-down.

    c. In the "Chart Type Settings" pop up, click on the arrow button >> Select the chart example Pie Chart.

    d. Click on the Ok button.

    e. You can Filter the data which appears in the Pie chart by clicking on the arrow button.

    How to display and Hide the Grand Total in Pivot view?

    1. Click on the Grand total button on the top left corner of the page.
    2. Select the Option from the drop-down to be displayed in the Pivot view.

    Field Name Description
    Show grand totals It helps you to show the grand totals in the pivot view.
    Do not show grand totals It helps you to hide the grand totals in the pivot view.
    Show grand totals rows only It helps you to display the grand totals in the row only.
    Show grand totals column only It helps you to display the grand totals in the column only.

    How to display and hide the subtotal in Pivot view?

    1. Click on the "Subtotal button" in the top left corner of the page.
    2. Select the Option from the drop-down to be displayed/hidden in the Pivot view.

    Field Name  Description
    Show sub totals It helps you to show the sub totals in the pivot view.
    Do not show sub totals It helps you to hide the sub totals in the pivot view.
    Show sub totals rows only It helps you to display the sub totals in the row only.
    Show sub totals column only It helps you to display the sub totals in the column only.


Number Formatting

It is the data type transformation from one type to another type.

To apply Number Formatting:
a. Click on the "More formatting" menu >> Select Number Formatting. 

Function Description
Values Select the Values from the drop-down.
Format Type You can select the Format Type from the drop-down like Number, Currency, Percentage, Custom.
Grouping It allows you to Group the data like date, numbers, text field.
Decimal Places It allows you to display the numbers including Decimal Places.
Custom Format You can define custom number format

Lets say you want to apply Currency icon on the Amount displayed
a. Click on the "More formatting" menu >> Select Number Formatting.

b. Select the Value from dropdown, which has to be applied on All Values or some particular

c. Select the Format Type as Currency.

d. Click on apply. You ca see the currency format been applied on it.

Conditional Formatting

The conditional formatting feature allows you to visually highlight the data cells in a Pivot table with different types based on the applied conditions. This option allows you to color code and group your data in a pivot view for easy analysis.

To apply Conditional Formatting:

a. Click on the "More formatting" menu >> Select Conditional Formatting.

b. Click "Add Condition".

c. The conditional formatting dialog will open.

1. Provide the "Value" and select the type of condition from the drop-down.
2. Under the "Format options section", select the required colors for the font and background by clicking on the font and color boxes.

3. Click on the "Apply" button.  The values having less then 90000 value has been highlighted with red color.

Note: You can apply any number of conditions by clicking on the +Add condition. You can provide a specified condition that meets your requirements.




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