Lists Management

Lists are basically saved searches, where you can define your conditions to filter records and also create a custom view by selecting the Fields to be visible. When a List is selected it shows the matching records based on the defined search conditions in real-time.

There are two types of list:

  1. My List- These are the Lists that are available only to the Logged in user.

  2. Shared List- These are the lists that are created by users and are shared with other Users.

How to create a List?

Let us take an example of the Contacts Module. The process is the same for other modules.

To create a List follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the + icon to create the New List on the page.

  2. It would open the List creation Form as below.

  3. Provide a "List Name" in Create a New List popup.

  4. "Choose desired columns" You can select the columns from available fields from the drop-down menu that would be displayed in the list view like First Name, Last Name, Organisation Name, Mobile phone, Primary email, Lead source so on, you can rearrange the columns by drag and drop.

  5. Provide the "specific conditions" for the list to be created.

      a. All Condition (All Condition must be met)- This is AND operation, records are included in the result if all of the conditions defined the match.

    b. Any Conditions ( At least one of the conditions must be met) - This is OR operation, records are included in the result if any of the conditions defined match.

  6. "Choose Sort column" if you would like to sort the records based on a certain field such as created time, select the particular Field under the "Choose sort column" dropdown.

    Note: If sorting columns is not selected in the column list it would be automatically added as the first column.

  7. If you would like to share the List with other users, check the "Share the List" option and select the  Users/Roles/subordinates.

    Note: Only the user who has created the List of users with admin rights can Edit or Delete the List


  8. If the "Set as Default" option is selected then the List would be loaded by default for the given Module.

  9. If you would like the List to appear under the "Key Metrics" widget on Dashboard, then select the "List in Metrics" option.

  10. If "No Open Activities" is selected then only those records are shown which does not have any Activities(Event and Tasks) where Status equals to Open.

  11. Select "Hide from Campaign" if you want to hide the records in the Campaign's Load from List dropdown.

How to Edit the List?

  1. Select the List that you want to edit in the left panel.
  2. Click on the arrow and select the Edit option.

  3. Make the changes required in the Form.
  4. Click on the Save button.


How to Delete the List?

  1. Select the List that you want to Delete.
  2. Click on the arrow and select the Delete option.

  3. In the confirmation box, click on "Yes" to delete the List.


How to Duplicate the List?

If you would like to create a similar List you can easily duplicate an existing List and make the changes required

To Duplicate the List Filter please follow the simple steps given below:

  1. Select the List that you want to Duplicate.
  2. Click on the arrow and select the Duplicate option.

  3. In the "Create New List" popup, you can make the changes required.
  4. Click on the Save button.


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