Global Search

Global Search allows the users to see the search result in one tab, it helps you to search all Modules and Records that improve and optimize the search feature in which users can execute searches on all the fields.


How to set up Global Search?

To set up a Global search follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to CRM Settings > Extensions > Global search.
  2. Select the "Module" from the drop-down from the list which contains all the available modules, for example, the Contacts Module.

  3. Once when you select a module, the following window will appear.
  •  "Include module in Global Search" by clicking on the checkbox.
  • Select the fields to search - if no fields are selected - it will use the fields from "All filter" from the drop-down.

      4. Click on the Save button.

Arrange Modules

      5. You can Arrange the modules just by drag and drop a module to reorder the list to appear in the search.

Global Search window appears as following:




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