Duplicate data management

Duplicate data management is basically the list of records that are displayed and have the same set of fields. you can delete or merge duplicate records.


How to configure Duplicate data?

 To configure the duplicate data please follow the steps given below :

  1. Login as an Admin User
  2. Go to the Main menu > Marketing > Contacts Module
  3. In this case, let us take the example of the Contacts Module to "Find Duplicate" records
  4. In the List view of the contacts Click on "More action" and select "Find Duplicate"

  5. Next in the "Duplicate Search Criteria " popup, select the Fields from the drop-down list to find the Duplicate records
  6. Click on "Find Duplicates"

  7. The List of records that have the same set of fields is traced out and displayed 


  8. To "Delete the Duplicate records" you can select the desired records by click on the checkbox and click the "Delete button"


  9. To Merge the important information from a set of Duplicate records, you'll need to select Duplicate records under Merge,          by clicking on the checkbox 


  Alternatively you can configure the duplicate data in any module.

  1. Login as an Admin User
  2. Go to the Main menu > Marketing > Contacts Module
  3. In the List view of the contacts, select the records by Clicking on the checkbox
  4. Next click on "More action" and select "Find Duplicate"



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