Picklist dependency offers you a seamless way of selecting only desired values from the Picklist fields based on the value selected in a Source Picklist field.
For example, In the Tickets module, Let’s say there are 2 fields, Category, and Sub Category. Category for that product will be accessible in the “Source Field” drop-down menu and go for your desired option, and the list of Sub Category specified for the selected 'category' will be displayed in the “Target Field”.
How to create Picklist Dependency?
- Go to Main Menu > CRM Settings.
- Click on Picklist Dependency under the Configuration setting section.
- Click on Add Picklist Dependency.
- Select the preferred Module from the "Module" drop-down. For example, we would be using the Tickets module's Source field as Category and Target field as Sub Category.
- Select the preferred "Source Field" from the drop-down.
- Select the preferred "Target Field" from the drop-down.
- A neat user-friendly table exhibits all the available values for Source and Target Picklist fields and columns’ headers are the sources field value followed by target field values.
- Select the essential target values, once selected, they get marked by a tick and blue highlight for ease, and the values in white are unselected.
- Click on the Save button.
As a result When you enter the details of the Tickets and you choose Picklist Ticket's Category as "Complaint", and in the Sub Category will appears only configured values.
How to Edit the Picklist Dependency?
- Go to CRM Setting > Configuration > Picklist Dependency.
- Click on the "Edit icon" In the Picklist Dependency List View.
- If you want to see or change the mapping for the other Picklist values of the Source field, then you can select the values by clicking on the 'Select Source values' button and do the required changes.
- Select All option will select all the Target field values.
- Unselect All option will unselect all the Target field values.
- Click on the respective cell to change the mapping for picklist values of the target field, once selected, they get marked by a tick and blue highlight for ease, and the values in white are unselected.
- Click on the Save button.
How to Delete the Picklist Dependency?