Module Numbering

Module Numbering is an automated record numbering system that assigns a unique record number to every record. You can create a record number sequence as per your business requirement, whenever a new record is created a unique number is automatically assigned to it.


How to set up Module Numbering?

Let us take the example of the Contacts Module to set up Module Numbering follow the steps given below: 

  1. Go to CRM Settings > Module Management > Module Numbering.
  2. "Select Module" to customize the numbering of records from the drop-down.
  3. In the "Use Prefix" field enter the Prefix, which will be automatically populated in the detail view of the selected module.
  4. In the "Start Sequence" field, provide the sequence where the numbering should be started, when the new records are created.
  5. Click on the Save button.

  6. You can see the sequence is updated in the Detail view of the newly created record.


Alternatively, you can set up Module numbering 

Follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to CRM Settings > Module Management > Modules.
  2. Click on Settings. 
  3. Select Contact Numbering from the drop-down.




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