Global Search

Global search extensions are used to find records. It has the ability to execute searches on all the possible Fields.


How to configure Global search?

To configure the Global search please follow the steps given below:

1. Log in as an Amin user.
2. Go to CRM setting >> Extension >> Global Search.
3. Select the "Module" from the dropdown list that contains all the modules with available fields for Global search
4. "Include modules in Global Search" field to search click on the checkbox to include the fields in your search results.
5. Next, you can select the Fields to search to include selected into the search. However, you can Add/Remove the fields from the search as needed.
6. Click on the Save button.

7. Click on the "Arrange Module section", you can Arrange the Modules to be displayed in the search result and you can drag and drop a module up/down to reorder the list.





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