Email Server Configuration for SMTP

  1. Overview
  2. Administrators
  3. Communication Channels
  4. Email Server Configuration for SMTP

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a worthwhile outbound-only email-sending service based on the reliable and accessible infrastructure that has expanded to provide its own customer-focused, with Amazon SES, you can send transactional emails, Marketing Messages, or any other type of exclusive content and you only reward for what you utilize.

CRM has set up Email Marketing tools and Email clients which need a dependable Outgoing Email Server. One of the Leading companies - come up with an excellent SMTP service that can be easily merged with the CRM.

How to configure the Email Settings with SMTP?

Follow the steps given below to configure the Email Server Settings with SMTP:

Let us take the example of Amazon SES.

First of all, you need to Create Amazon Account. To start with you require an account. You can access the same account where you utilize for shopping or you can sign up for a new account just by get going into Click here.

To Configure SMTP setting follow the steps given below:

1. Click on the ‘SMTP Settings’ section under Simple Email Service management.

2. This will open the SMTP Setting page, click on the “Create My SMTP Credentials” button.

3. This will open the Credentials creation page, enter the name of a new IAM user or accept the default name, and click on create button to set up SMTP credentials. 

4. SMTP credentials created form will Pop up, this is the only time these SMTP security credentials will be available for download. Click on Download Credentials to Download.

Note: Keep the downloaded credentials securely, you will not be able to retrieve them again.


Configuring automeCRM Email Server with Amazon SES(SMTP).

Follow the steps given below to configure automeCRM Email Server with Amazon SES(SMTP)

1. Go to CRM Settings > Configuration > Email Server. 
2. Click on the "Add Record" button. 
3. The Email Server form will appear, provide the required details.

Field Name Description
Name Mention name for internal reference. You can also mention Email Server name like Gmail, amazonaws, etc. 
SMTP URL You should provide the SMPT server URL, including the SSL/TLS and port information, such as ssl://
User Name Provide your SMTP User name.
Password Provide your SMTP Password.
From Email Provide the email id from which you need to send the emails.
Requires Authentication Click on the checkbox to specify the Authentication type.
Default Server? Enable checkbox to set email server as default, which will be used to generate email request while sending emails from CRM. 

Note: In From Email Address, you have to verify individual user's email address so that in place for all your users to be able to send emails.

4. Click on the Save button.

5. Incase if you make any mistake while configuring email server or want to change the email server details, you can click of Edit button and make the changes.

6. Click on the Save button once changes are made.


Set up Workflow email triggers based on different email servers

Multiple email servers can be configured in the Email Server like for support, sales, complain management, marketing, etc. you can add email server for each. 

Scenario: Whenever Lead is created in CRM from Website you want to send thank you email to client through sales email server via workflows. 

  1. Go to Main Menu > CRM Settings > Automation > Workflow.
  2. Click on "New workflow".
  3. Go to Add Action drop-down tab and click Send Mail
  4. In Email Server picklist field you can select the email should be triggered from which email server. 
  5. Fill up the other and save workflow. 

    For detailed information on Send Email workflow configuration you can refer below article:
    Sent Email

Result: The from email address in below email is of the email server selected in the workflow email server. 

Note: When one to one email is sent to client in that case the default email server will be used. 



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