
Currency is basically a medium of exchange for goods and services. It helps your Organisation to do business in local and foreign Currencies using record-level Currency features.


How to Add New Currency?

To Add new Currency follow the steps given below:

  1. Go CRM settings > Configuration > Currencies.
  2. Click on Add currency in the top right corner.

Field Name Description
Currency Name Select the Currency Name from the drop-down.
Currency Code When the Currency Name is selected, the Currency Code will appear automatically.
Symbol The Currency symbol will automatically appear.
Conversion Rate Provide the Conversion Rate of the selected currency with the base currency.
Status Enable the checkbox to make currency active.


How to Edit the currency?

  1. In the list view of the Currency, click on the Edit icon to edit the currency.

  2. In the Edit Currency popup, edit the currency details.
  3. Click on the Save button.


 How to Delete the currency?

  1. In the list view of the Currency, click on the Delete icon to delete the currency.

  2. When you delete the currency, you need to Transfer the currency to another currency, selecting from the drop-down.
  3. Click on the Save button.



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