Add/Remove from Sequence

In workflow "Add/Remove from sequence" Action is used in Sequence Automations to add and remove contacts, leads, organizations, and vendors from a Sequence list.


Possible Actions:

  1. Add to Sequence.
  2. Remove from Sequence.


  1. How to Add to sequence.

    Scenario: Add Website Leads, when Leads are fetched from Website add all those Leads into "Sequence" automatically.

    1. Go to Main Menu > CRM Settings > Automation > Workflow.
    2. Click on "New Workflow" on the top right corner of the page.

    3. Create Workfow.

      1. The New Workflow edit form will appear, provide the required details.
      2. "Workflow Name", provide the name of the Workflow.
      3. "Description", provide the description of the Workflow. 
      4. Select the preferred Module from the "Target Module" drop-down. For example, we would be using the Leads module. 
      5. "Status", specify the status of the Workflow Active or Inactive. the Workflow will be executed when the status is set to active.

    4. Workflow Trigger.

      1. Select the Contact creation option under the Trigger Workflow block.

    5. Under the ‘Workflow Condition’ tab, Click on the Add Condition and provides the required conditions to execute the task.

    6. Under the ‘Workflow Actions’ click on the Add Action drop-down tab and click Add/Remove from Sequence.

    7. The Add/Remove from Sequencewindow will pop up, provide the required details.

      1. "Action Title", Provide the name of the action, this is just for internal reference.
      2. "Add to Sequence",To add Leads into respective Sequence.

        1. Click on Add to sequence reference field “Search Button".

        2. All Sequence lists will pop up, select the preferred Sequence to add.

        3. Selected Sequence will be added in the Add to sequence reference field.

        4. "Remove From Sequence", take no notice of this field when we are configuring add to Sequence Action.

    8. Click on the Save Button, This will closes Add/Remove from Sequence pop-up window.

    9. Click on the Save button to save the workflow. This will closes the window opened in Step 3.

    10. Result: When the Website lead is captured in CRM the workflow will trigger and the lead will get added in Sequence automatically as shown below: 

  2. How to Remove from Sequence.

    Scenario: Remove lead from Sequence, When customer unsubscribed our email remove leads from the related sequence.
    We have a process in place which opt's out the leads from receiving further email upon unsubscribing.

    1. Go to Main Menu > CRM Settings > Automation > Workflow.
    2. Click on "New workflow" on the top right corner of the page.

    3. Create Workflow.

      1. The New Workflow edit form will appear, provide the required details.
      2. "Workflow Name", provide the name of the Workflow.
      3. "Description", provide the description of the Workflow. 
      4. Select the preferred Module from the "Target Module" drop-down. For example, we would be using the Leads module. 
      5. "Status", specify the status of the Workflow Active or Inactive. the Workflow will be executed when the status is set to active.

    4. Workflow Trigger.

      1. Select the Lead updated (includes Creations) option under the Trigger Workflow block.
      2. Select Only first-time conditions are met under the Recurrence section.
    5. Under the ‘Workflow Condition’ tab, Click on the Add Condition and provides the required conditions to execute the task.

    6. Under the ‘Workflow Actions’ click on the Add Action drop-down tab and click Add/Remove from Sequence.

    7. The Add/Remove from Sequencewindow will pop up, provide the required details.

      1. "Action Title", Provide the name of the action, this is just for internal reference.
      2. "Add to Sequence", take no notice of this field when we are configuring Remove from Sequence Action. 
      3. "Remove from Sequence", to remove leads from respective Sequence.

        1.  Click on Remove from Sequence reference field “Search Button”.

        2. All Sequence lists will pop up, select the preferred Sequence to add into the remove from Sequence reference field.

        3. Selected Sequence will be added in the Remove Sequence reference field.

    8. Click on the Save Button, This will closes Add/Remove from Sequence pop-up window.

    9. Click on the Save button to save the workflow. This will closes the window opened in Step 3.

    10. Result: As per configured workflow it triggers and the Leads will get removed from the sequence.


Note: At a time by default 2 sequence can run.


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